A minimalistic HowTo for using a MT Router OS as PPTP-Server, based on 2.9.x. Use it on your own risk.
I prefer bridge-groups as they are always up and one can add physical interfaces later. The arp=proxy-arp is important.
N.B. 8 Oct 2007: "set gre disabled=no" is not active on RouterOS 3.0rc5
/ interface ethernet
set ether1 name="ether1"
/ interface bridge
add name="lan" arp=proxy-arp
/ interface bridge port
add interface=ether1 bridge=lan
/ ip address
add address= interface=lan
/ ip dns
/ ip firewall service-port
set gre disabled=no
set pptp disabled=no
/ ip pool
add name="pptp" ranges=
/ ppp profile
add name="pptp-in" local-address= remote-address=pptp use-encryption=required only-one=yes change-tcp-mss=yes dns-server=
/ interface pptp-server server
set enabled=yes max-mtu=1460 max-mru=1460 authentication=chap,mschap1,mschap2 default-profile=pptp-in
/ ppp secret
add name="user-1" service=pptp password="******" profile=pptp-in
add name="user-2" service=pptp password="******" profile=pptp-in
# ...